Front End Engineering Design FEED And Detailed Engineering Design

FEED and Detailed Engineering Design
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FEED and Detailed Engineering Design are two crucial stages in the engineering process. This is especially true for large industrial and infrastructure projects. Both stages have different roles. They involve different levels of detail, objectives, and methods. Knowing the differences between FEED and Detailed Engineering Design is essential. The differences are key for the successful planning and execution of complex projects. This essay explores the meanings, goals, and steps of FEED. It also covers Detailed Engineering Design and its key considerations. It compares their roles in project development.

1. Overview of Front-End Engineering Design (FEED)

Definition and Purpose

FEED is the first stage of engineering. It focuses on defining the project’s scope. It also identifies technical requirements and sets the groundwork for the project’s execution. FEED aims to show the project’s goals, risks, and feasibility. It lets people make informed decisions and estimate costs accurately.

Objectives of FEED

  • The scope must be clearly defined. This is to avoid scope creep and ensure all stakeholders share the project’s goals.
  • Cost Estimation is about developing a detailed cost estimate. It supports budget planning and financial decision-making.
  • Risk Identification: Identifying potential risks and uncertainties that could impact the project’s success.
  • Technical Specifications: Establishing technical requirements and specifications for the project.
  • Feasibility Assessment: Evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of the project.

FEED Process

The FEED process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Conceptual Design: We develop initial design ideas. They are based on project needs and limits.
  2. We conduct feasibility studies. They assess the project’s technical, economic, and environmental viability.
  3. Preliminary Design creates design documents, including process flow diagrams (PFDs), piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), and basic layout plans.
  4. Cost Estimation: Prepare a detailed cost estimate. It will cover capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX).
  5. Risk Analysis: Identifying and assessing potential risks and developing mitigation strategies.
  6. Project Scheduling: Developing a preliminary project schedule, including key milestones and timelines.

Key Considerations in FEED

  • Stakeholder Involvement involves engaging stakeholders early. It gathers input, addresses concerns, and ensures alignment with project goals.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, standards, and permits.
  • Assess the project’s likely impacts. They are on the environment and society. Then, make plans to reduce them.
  • Technology Selection: Selecting appropriate technologies and systems to meet project requirements and objectives.

2. Overview of Detailed Engineering Design

Definition and Purpose

Detailed Engineering Design is the next stage after FEED. It focuses on creating detailed design documents that provide all the information needed for construction and implementation. In this stage, we will finalize specs, prepare drawings, and detail equipment and material needs.

Objectives of Detailed Engineering Design

  • Detailed Documentation: Producing detailed design documents, including drawings, specifications, and calculations.
  • We ensure the project is ready for construction. We do this by providing all needed information and instructions.
  • Precision and Accuracy are key. They ensure design has few errors and rework during construction.
  • This involves coordinating with various civil, mechanical, and electrical disciplines to ensure a cohesive design.

Detailed Engineering Design Process

The Detailed Engineering Design process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Final Design Development: Finalizing the design. It is based on the preliminary designs from FEED.
  2. Detailed Drawings: Creating detailed construction drawings, including plans, elevations, sections, and isometric views.
  3. Specifications and Standards: Developing detailed specifications and standards for materials, equipment, and workmanship.
  4. Engineering calculations and analyses: We perform detailed engineering calculations and analyses. This ensures the design is sound and meets codes and standards.
  5. Bill of Materials (BOM): You should prepare a full bill of materials that lists all needed materials and equipment.
  6. We provide Procurement Support. It includes preparing bid documents and evaluating vendor proposals.
  7. Construction Planning: Developing detailed construction plans, including work sequences, resource requirements, and timelines.

Key Considerations in Detailed Engineering Design

  • Precision and detail are key. They ensure all design details are exact. This avoids issues in construction.
  • We coordinate closely with various engineering disciplines. This is to ensure a cohesive and integrated design.
  • We implement quality assurance measures. They verify design accuracy and standards compliance.
  • Constructability Review: Conducting constructability reviews to identify and address potential construction challenges.
  • We need to coordinate with vendors and suppliers. They must ensure materials and equipment meet project specifications.

3. Comparison of FEED and Detailed Engineering Design

Level of Detail

  • FEED: Focuses on high-level design concepts and preliminary details. It aims to define the project’s scope. It will identify technical needs and make cost estimates.
  • This involves detailed design documents. They include construction drawings, specs, and calculations. It provides all the information needed for construction and implementation.


  • FEED aims to show the project’s feasibility. It defines its scope and gives a basis for decision-making and cost estimation.
  • This process phase aims to finalize the design, ensure precision and accuracy, and prepare the project for construction.

Process and Methodology

  • FEED involves conceptual design, studies, preliminary design, cost estimates, risk analysis, and project schedules. It focuses on high-level planning and assessment.
  • This phase is called Detailed Engineering Design. It involves final design and detailed drawings, specs, math, BOM prep, help with buying stuff, and construction planning. It focuses on detailed documentation and construction readiness.

Stakeholder Involvement

  • FEED requires the early involvement of stakeholders. They gather input, address concerns, and ensure alignment with project goals.
  • Detailed Engineering Design involves ongoing coordination with stakeholders. This is especially true during the development of detailed designs and construction planning.

Impact on Project Outcomes

  • A good FEED stage helps ensure the project’s feasibility. It ensures the project is well-defined and well-planned and reduces the risk of scope changes, cost overruns, and delays.
  • Detailed Engineering Design is thorough and precise. It ensures the project is ready for construction and reduces errors, rework, and construction challenges.

4. Importance of Integration Between FEED and Detailed Engineering Design

Seamless Transition

A smooth transition from FEED to Detailed Engineering Design is vital. It is crucial for project success. We need to be sure that the designs, specs, and estimates from FEED are fully and accurately turned into detailed designs. This keeps them consistent with project goals.

Documentation and Information Flow

Good documentation and information flow are essential. They must occur between the FEED and Detailed Engineering Design stages. Clear and detailed documentation is key. It comes from the FEED stage. It is a solid foundation for Detailed Engineering Design, cutting the risk of miscommunication and errors.

Risk Management

Continuity in risk management from FEED to Detailed Engineering Design helps to find and judge risks. It also helps to lessen them. It helps throughout the project’s lifecycle. Consistent risk management finds risks in FEED and fixes them in Detailed Engineering Design.

Stakeholder Communication

We will communicate with stakeholders throughout FEED and Detailed Engineering Design. This will ensure that we address their needs and concerns. Engaging stakeholders early in the FEED stage. Staying in touch during Detailed Engineering Design helps build trust. It also gets support for the project.

5. Case Studies and Examples

Case Study 1: Oil and Gas Project

The FEED stage involved designing a new processing facility in an oil and gas project. The FEED team did feasibility studies. They found technical needs and made a cost estimate. During Detailed Engineering Design, the team made detailed drawings. They also made specifications and calculations for the facility. The switch from FEED to Detailed Engineering Design was smooth. It kept the project on schedule and within budget. It also cut risks and construction challenges.

Case Study 2: Infrastructure Development

The FEED stage defines the scope of an infrastructure project. It also conducted feasibility studies for a new highway. The FEED team developed preliminary designs, cost estimates, and risk assessments. The project team made detailed construction drawings, specifications, and plans during the detailed engineering design stage. Integrating FEED and Detailed Engineering Design was effective. It ensured that the project met the rules and achieved its goals.


FEED and Detailed Engineering Design are two critical stages in the engineering process. Each has clear goals, steps, and levels of detail. FEED defines the project’s scope and technical requirements. It also establishes feasibility. Detailed Engineering Design develops detailed design documents for construction and implementation. Effective integration and smooth transition between these stages are essential for project success. They ensure that projects are well-planned, accurately designed, and ready for construction. Understanding the roles and connections between FEED and Detailed Engineering Design helps project teams. It can improve their planning, execution, and project outcomes.