Category: Advanced Tech

How to Use Excel for Business Intelligence

How to Use Excel for Business Intelligence

Excel business intelligence (BI) transforms Microsoft Excel. It changes it from a simple spreadsheet tool. It becomes a powerful platform for data analysis and decision-making. Using Excel for BI can help you identify trends. It can also help you make data-driven decisions, and gain a competitive edge. This guide will walk you through the key…
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End Effectors in Robotics

End Effectors in Robotics: Enhancing Automation Efficiency

End effectors are key parts of robotics. They act as the robots’ “hands.” They interact with the environment and perform tasks that require precision, dexterity, and strength. The design and choice of an end effector are vital. They are key to robot success. Robots are used in many industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics.…
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Understanding the Evolution of AI in Fintech

Understanding the Evolution of AI in Fintech

Ever wondered how your bank processes your loan application in seconds? Or how does your favourite investment app recommend personalised portfolios? The answer lies in artificial intelligence (AI). As AI continues to evolve and advance, fintech has taken advantage of its capabilities to optimise processes, improve customer experiences, and promote innovation in the financial sector.…
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Revolutionized by Augmented Reality (AR)

Mobile App Development is Being Revolutionized by Augmented Reality (AR)

Mobile apps are about to be reimagined thanks to augmented reality (AR), which promises more features and more engaging experiences for smartphones and tablets. The rise in popularity of augmented reality (AR) has led to a significant demand for AR app design across various industries. AR gadgets for healthcare, media, eCommerce, and other industries are…
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Examples of Augmented Reality in 2024

Top 5 Prominent Examples of Augmented Reality in 2024

Indeed, technology does not cease to move forward in 2024, it is always finding ways to test its limits. By the end of that year, technology will have moved forward by leaps and bounds, pushing the boundaries of what seems possible. The first position is taken by augmented reality (AR) which seamlessly merges virtual and…
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Generative AI

Generative AI is Changing How we Develop Software in Today’s Future:

Generative AI is making a lot of people excited in many different industries, not just among tech experts. In recent months, whenever we meet with clients or partners, we often find ourselves talking about generative AI. In January 2023, just two months after its launch, ChatGPT reached 100 million users, capturing 52% of AI social…
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Generative AI

Generative AI: The Rise To Unlock Infinite Creativity

In the area of the quickly continuing digital atmosphere, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has created important developments through the appearance of generative AI algorithms. These algorithms possess a noteworthy capability to produce novel material, encompassing photos, music, and textual compositions, which exhibit an indistinguishable quality from works generated by humans. Generative Artificial Intelligence…
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Data, and Microsoft's Vision

Sustainability, Data, and Microsoft’s Vision: How AI Is Leading the Charge Towards a Greener Future

Sustainability has been the number one priority of entrepreneurs and businessmen. The reason is that the benefits of attaining sustainable practices are not restricted to the environment. It also drives operational efficacy and competitiveness. Microsoft, being a widely renowned technology leader, plays an important role in the sustainable journey with its advanced Microsoft Data and…
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Use Artificial Intelligence

6 Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used today in a variety of industries – from entertainment and advertising to business decision making, controlling self-driving cars and modeling complex physical processes. Today we will talk about how “machine intelligence” can be used in ordinary mobile applications. There are hundreds of thousands of apps in the App Store and…
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Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality: Bridging the Gap Between the Physical and Digital Worlds

Mixed reality (MR) is a captivating and transformative technology that has gained significant attention in recent years. It stands at the intersection of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), promising to reshape how we interact with the digital and physical realms. With MR, the boundaries between the two worlds blur, offering a myriad of…
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